This led us to wonder, "what exactly is Senate Resolution 636?" I, of course, being the Google-happy girl I am, went immediately to the computer and hit the search engine. I wound up on the Library of Congress website where I discovered that Senate Resolution 636 is "a resolution recognizing the strategic success of the troop surge in Iraq and expressing gratitude to the members of the United States Armed Forces who made that success possible." It was sponsored by Joe Lieberman and introduced on July 31, 2008.
And this is what we pay our senators for. To sit around and vote on this. It is a purely political move. If a senator votes for it, then he or she is acknowledging that the surge worked (which in itself is completely debatable). If s/he votes against it, then s/he hates our troops. It's a lose-lose vote, hence the completely political goal. This is a complete waste of time, money, and advertising space. Everyone supports the troops (even the long-haired, tree-hugging hippies) even if they don't support the war. This is truly stupid.
I wonder how much Lieberman got for selling his soul...
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