Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sick, mad, and in need of a cocktail....

I love this time of year.

I also hate this time of year.

Confused? Yeah. Me too. Maybe it's the gallons of alcohol-laced cold medicine I've had to guzzle thanks to this bear of a virus that managed to sneak its way into my body.

I can't seem to make it through a single fall without catching the first truly nasty bug of the season. It's like I have a giant target on my head that says, "Pick me first!" And the sucky part is that I can't concentrate enough to be able to use my time wisely and productively. Instead, I'm surfing MySpace and Facebook.

And because of that, I'm fuming mad. Mad and sick. Fantastic combination.

Ok, a little background:

I'm divorced. (We'll call him The Big Jerk) Our marriage was a joke from the beginning as The Big Jerk has only ever been interested in....well....not being alone. It doesn't matter who he's married to, as long as he's married. Pretty sad, but hey, not my problem.

Someone, however, keeps making it my problem: mainly, number four (his fourth wife). This woman has been stuck on me like doggy poop on a pair of cleats! She won't freaking leave me alone!! I tried making my MySpace profile private, but apparently, status updates still show up, and she was viewing my page every day to see what I was up to. Why? I have no clue. Obsession, perhaps.

Anyway, I had finally had enough, so I looked into switching over to Facebook. Before I switched, I checked to make sure she wasn't already a member of the site.

(However, I must mention, Facebook is much better for avoiding psychopathic stalkers. There are a lot more privacy controls that allow you to control who sees what.)

So, I checked, and she wasn't there. Sweet.

--Or so I thought.

The witch is now on Facebook. She wasn't there, and now she's there. And she even tried signing up under what I'm assuming is her maiden name as her first name, and her first name as her last name. Wow. I mean, I knew she was disgustingly obsessed with me for some reason, so I really shouldn't be surprised, yet I am. And the thing that gets me is that I'm the one trying to get away from her, she's the one following me, but she still has the nerve to act like some kind of victim when I get pissed off about the stalking.

Ok, that anger took a lot of energy. I'm too sick for this crap. Psycho stalker can do whatever she wants. I'm the one in a real marriage with a guy that doesn't get married just to have a wife. No matter what she does and says, I know that guy, and he'll say and do anything he has to in order to avoid being alone. (Proof: she's wearing a ring he bought for the girl he knocked up right before her. Wow, that's gotta suck.)

I'm putting her psycho-stalking ways out of my head, popping in Practical Magic, and taking a much needed, cold medicine-induced nap. Night night.

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